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Se the winners of the award "Den grønne Transportpris"

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21 April 2023 | MCH Messecenter Herning 7

1. Frede Andersen & Søn A/S
2. Kloakservice-virksomheden Leif M Jensen
3. Bryde & Sønner A/S - Flytte- og logistikløsninger

Thursday 20 April the winners of the award "Den Grønne Transportpris" where elected at the Green Transport stage in Hall J. The 3 winners walked home with a check each on respectively DKK 25.000.-, DKK 15.000.- and DKK 10.000.- for further environmental improvements in the company.

Transport_Photo: MCH/Lars Møller

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MCH Messecenter Herning 7

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